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  • Writer's pictureLouise James

WIP-it Blog


i am thankful for being a published author.. Not only am I thankful... for accomplishing this milestone, but also for 'how' I arrived. Thanks to all my family and friends who supported me throughout the journey to achieve my goals.

i had a terrible scare last week my Mother had to have emergency surgery to repair a broken hip and leg. Mother came through the surgery like a champ, surprising all of us, but that's my Mother. Thank you for the support: prayers and messages of concern. My Mother's strength has always amazed me; she has supported me no matter the direction my life took or faltered. I love her steadfast resolve and the lessons she taught me throughout my life. Tell those who you hold in high regard that you love them, even if you find it hard to vocalize that sentiment; your fear to express yourself is not an accuse just-Wip-it!

i am currently on wip#1-Bk2 finalizing the cover with Barb at CoverInk Designs for Troubles With Nymphs: The Ent Chronicles-Book Two. The cover reveal is tentatively January 2018. and the release is the first of February 2018. The Triplets have been kidnapped by an evil TreeHopper named TriMeNot. One of the three Nymphs that provide Magiks that lights the Lantern of Power, wielded by Ewallea, The Watcher has gone missing from The Enchanted Forest.

Of course, I had a break in writing due to family emergencies, but I am right back on target today.

wip#2 research is progressing character biographies for the Aquaterrian Changelings series are complete and seven (7) books (maybe more, if they are well received) for the New Adult Paranormal/Fantasy series are planned. I spent some time at SeaWorld, Orlando, speaking to a biologist at great length about Sea Dragons, Octopi, (Pink & Unicorn) Dolphin and Orca. Look for these shifters in my next series. Aquaterrians are changelings, a type of shifter that adapts to living on land or sea; some still walked among the humans undetected. Quin Mariner, a Climatologist/Geologist and a few others survive to help reorganize survivors after the earth's poles change. A mini ice age caused by the cataclysmic event uncovers ancient peoples who once lived in the islands referred to as the Ring of Fire. Palawan, and her people have been in stasis for a millennia. Frozen territories begin to melt. Survival of the ancient peoples and conflicts with humans provide exciting clashes between cultures, hot romances and secret liaisons in a brand new world of Aquaterrian Changelings.

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